Porn & Anatomy Lessons and Relationships

The next set of studies concerns the impact of pornography on ideas about your own body. I said above that nude stripper woman are more likely to suffer from the fact that they or their partners watch porn. But it turned out that there was a positive side – especially with regard to women. Namely: thanks to watching porn, men and more women begin to better understand their own anatomy and physiology. They understand much better how everything is arranged, where the clitoris is located, where is the vagina, how can you enjoy it, which is also important. In addition, already 75% of respondents understand that in pornography unrealistic bodies, duration of action and acrobatic pirouettes, that people do not have sex like that.

Women began to watch more stripper porn, there is even feminist stripper porn. The important point here is that sexual experience does not lead to sexual knowledge. About this you can cite a million examples, say, about people who have never experienced an orgasm or have always had sex only in the dark and under the covers.

When we talk about how porn affects relationships, the first moment is how people watch porn with nude strippers, together or not. Because if people in a relationship watch porn one by one, this can lead to negative consequences. A partner who knows another is watching porn may experience sexual rejection. Or what is called objectification: when a person feels not as a partner, but as an object, when he thinks that he is being used, they have sex not with him. To consider porn as a consequence of problems in family life or their cause is a big question, but in any case, the person experiences rejection, the feeling that contact is lost, the level of closeness decreases. As a result, people begin to feel angry with someone who watches porn. And, most likely, both will feel miserable.

So we come to the question why watch porn. To have fun without my partner? As revenge on a partner? I will watch porn, enjoy it, but I won’t take you because you are bad or bad? If we look together, because we want some kind of research or joint arousal, this is one thing. If this is a way to exercise power, then it’s completely different.

So the important point is how partners relate to pornography. If one does not recognize her and the other looks, this can cause tension. Of course, you don’t need to be a psychologist or a stripper porn researcher to claim that people who speak all these topics are more likely to have a happy relationship. Just talking can be difficult.


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